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  • Can I afford Private Health Insurance?
    Private Health Insurance is much more affordable than most people think! If you're generally healthy and qualify, you can be rewarded for your good health and receive much lower rates.
  • What are rates based on for Private Health Insurance?
    These rates are based on your health history, age and location.
  • What is coinsurance?
    Coinsurance is a percentage of a medical bill you pay, with the rest paid by your health insurance plan. For example, if you have 80/20% coinsurance, you pay 20% of each medical bill, and your health insurance will cover 80%.
  • What is a deductible?
    The deductible is how much you pay before your health insurance starts to cover a larger portion of your bills. In general, if you have a $1,000 deductible, you must pay $1,000 for your care out of pocket before your insurer starts covering a higher portion of costs.
  • Can I write off my Health Insurance?
    HRA 105 (Health Reimbursement Arrangement) Yes! One of the greatest benefits of HRA 105 is that limited liability companies (LLCs), C corporations and partnerships can take a full tax deduction. Businesses can deduct the cost of the premiums, fees and claims paid as a business expense.
  • Is there an enrollment period for Health Insurance?
    There are no enrollment periods required for Private Health Insurance plans, a majority of these policies are offered all year long. However rates fluctuate month to month. The only Health Insurance enrollment period that exists aside from employer plans is for your Public Marketplace/ACA plans (Obamacare). The enrollment period is typically the same time each year, November 1st - January 15th.
  • Can I cancel whenever?
    Yes, Insurance is non-contractual unless through an employer. You can cancel your health insurance coverage at any time.
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